How would you describe your creative discipline?
I’m a freelance illustrator and designer.
Where would we likely find your work?
I’ve been lucky enough to have a lot of variety so there’s not really one place. I’ve worked on wine labels, health and education websites and property campaigns.
Tell us about your style?
My style is colourful, playful and friendly.
How did you end up doing what you do?
I studied graphic design and worked as a designer for several years. I’ve always loved illustration though and tried to bring it into my design work whenever I could, so a few years ago I decided to quit my full time job and pursue it as a career.
Describe the space where you like to work...
At the moment I’m working from home but I’m lucky enough to have a spare room to work in. It’s got great light and I’ve set up my desk to look out the window with a view of greenery which is really nice.
What's the story behind your artwork for the DC Coffee bag?
The Union Road blend was created for the Surrey Hills Coles shoppers. I used this as my inspiration and went down to Union Road, exploring the area and drawing inspiration from the architecture and surrounds. I used this as a base to create a playful village illustration as a nod to the Union Road community.
Why do you believe it's important to express yourself creatively?
I think creative expression is a great way to share ideas and to bring people together. Imagery can do what words sometimes can't. I’ve seen a lot of artists do this really well during lockdown. Their art has connected with people and built a sense of community through difficult times.
What ideas help define your approach to life and work?
I think happiness and not taking things too seriously play a big role in my approach. I’m so grateful to be able to do what I love and make work that is happy, fun and hopefully brightens someone else’s day too.
Choose one - good coffee, good sex or good clothes.
Good coffee, of course.
Dream brief or project?
The cover of the New Yorker would be pretty cool.
Preferred coffee...
Soy latte.
Shop the Union Rd blend